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"Snowball Effect" MoB review by Phil Brown
Brisbane News, Feb 16th, 2018 #mammoth #MuseumofBrisbane #arrynsnowball #nathanshepherdson

Artist in residence at Museum of Brisbane
Month long residency at Museum of Brisbane, working on developing Mammoth and new painting based on the poetry Nathan Shepherdson. During...

Review in Huxley
Of Structure and Freedom, Umbrella Studio by Sarah Mathiesen

Of Structure and Freedom: Arryn Snowball and Christian Flynn, Umbrella Arts Studio
An exhibition by Christian Flynn and Arryn Snowball. Between structure and disorder there is life, ordered and unpredictable. The state...
Sasha Grishin review in The Canberra Times
Arryn Snowball: Square Sun at Nancy Sever Gallery by Sasha Grishin Arryn Snowball, at the age of 40, is an artist young enough to embrace...

Square Sun, Nancy Sever Gallery, exhibition invitation
Link #nancysever #arrynsnowball #boomboom #canberrapainting #squaresun #bluepoemseries

ZEPEDRO feat. Arryn Snowball
On an amplified blackboard Arryn will draw into the music of ZEPEDRO and ZEPEDRO will play into the drawings of Arryn - real time full...
Exhibition Review in Eyeline 85
Exhibition review: Arryn Snowball: House of Breath, Caboolture Regional Art Gallery Eyeline Contemporary Visual Arts Magazine issue 85 by...

Finalist in the Sulman Prize
House of Breath no.7, oil on linen, 190x190cm, 2016 Finalist in the Sulman House of Breath no.7 was selected as a finalist for the...
Interview on Radio National
Arryn Snowball's still point in the turning world Books and Art, Radio National, 22 April 2016 Interview by Fiona Gruber "The paintings...
Interview on J Radio Arts Show
Arts Show with Alex McCulloch 7 April 2016 Interview with Arryn Snowball and Nicholas Thompson Link to audio recording (Interview starts...
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